This past week I had the rare and exciting priveledge of meeting Al Roker at O'Hare International Airport. Now, I know to most of you, meeting Al Roker is not that exciting, however there is a whole backstory that goes with meeting Al--who happens to be one of the pivotal members of "America's First Family". You see.....just a couple nights prior to meeting Al, I actually had a dream about Al and his wife Deborah. I dreamt that I met them at a restaurant in New York City and that they were very nice and we chatted and had a grand time. So, I find it quite ironic that a mere 2 days later, I actually did meet him. There are other strange paradigms to this story too.....are you sitting down?
You see, I was at O'Hare waiting on my cousin Jess to arrive for a visit, so I told her that while waiting on her I met Al Roker and she says "That is strange I was just reading my book and there was a mention of him in the book". She was reading a Janet Evanovich book. I think she said the one with twelve in the title. I do not know because I have never read a Janet Evanovich book. You have to admit--that is freaky. THEN my cousin and I went to see Dirty Rotton Scoundrels on Sunday in Chicago and damned if they did not mention Al Roker in one of the songs. It was quite strange and ironic and it totally gave me goosbumps. I wonder what it all means. It is just too much to be mere coincidence......I feel great Roker things in my future. Or-maybe it has more to do with Matt Lauer. If indeed there is a Jesus, then I predict it is for sure more about Matt Lauer--swoon.
Also, on Sunday on the way to the Gospel Brunch at Chicago's House of Blues (which you should totally check out), my cousin and I got to watch part of a movie being filmed and we could see Aaron Eckhart doing what looked to be a scene of a press conference where he got arrested in the end. It was quite interesting. Some people said it was a new Batman movie, but we saw no sign of that. No Batmobile or anything. Aaron was very lithe and lean and tall- for an actor. No offense, but actors all seem so short. I remember when I was a little girl I saw Sylvester Stallone in person in the Bahamas and he was so short, but he had on HIGH HEELS --like mens dress shoes with HIGH HEELS. He was ROCKY for God's sake. I was only about 8, and from Oklahoma, so needless to say, I was traumatized.
I had a very busy week with my cousin and my dog's kidney stones, shopping, and eating.
OH and the new shoe department at Saks in NYC opens today. It is called 10022 SHOE. HOORAY! One of my friends attended a sneak peak reception but they would not allow photos--but I have heard it is a shoe lovers dream come true. Meredith Viera did a piece on it yesterday on the TODAY show (the show where AL Roker is the weather man) and it looks beautiful. I cannot wait to check it out soon in NYC!
That is what is going on with me, what is happening in your neck of the woods?
(see how I did that? that was an Al Roker quote)