Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tagged by Fabulista to list 5 things

I have been tagged by the fabulous FABULISTA at Beauty Blogging Junkie to list 5 things about myself that you probably did not know. I have been trying to post this for 2 days, but have been experiencing technical difficulties. I seem to have it under control now--so here goes:

1. I am not a good sleeper, in fact I kinda suck at it. I go through long periods where I wake up at 3:00 am and I am up for the rest of the day. I am worthless by like 4:00pm, but cannot go to sleep. I have NEVER been a nap taker unless I am sick. I think somewhere deep down, I feel like when I sleep I am missing something--strange, I know. It is so frustrating, but I have somewhat learned to deal with it. I have tried everything to get a full night sleep and nothing works. I am not a jealous person, but I am GREEN with envy of all the people who can sleep all day and night. That sounds like heaven to me.

2. I drink WAY too much Diet Pepsi--but not at night so I do not think it has anything to do with the sleeplessness. I love Diet Pepsi. I try not to eat a lot of sugar, so Diet Pepsi is like a treat for me. I crave it. When I am somewhere on vacation that does not have Diet Pepsi, I swear I go into withdrawl.

3. I have talked about this before, but I am OBSESSED with dental hygiene. I am constantly brushing and flossing. I have a collection of mouthwash and toothpaste. I get all puffed up when my dentist tells me I have beautiful teeth. It is like the ultimate compliment. I think a smile says so much about a person.

4. I feel whole when I travel. Sometimes I feel like I am missing out by living here in the 'burbs. I was born in Europe and lived there for a while, so I think I have it in my soul to want to be abroad. I will never feel truly educated until I have seen the world. On this note--I am obsessed with travel shows--Rick Steves, Samantha Brown, Thirsty Traveler, Globe Trekker, and my love , Anthony Bourdain. I also love to have friends who travel so we can talk all about it. I love to experience new things. Travel makes me feel alive.

5. I am an only child, and I suffer from all the quirky things that only another only child can understand. I also tend to have a soft spot for other only children, and I have many friends that are only children (shout out Emily, Melanie, Lina, Kristen,Gretchen, Sue, etc) . I am not really sad that I am an only child, but I am very aware that there are many things I do not understand because of this--like sharing. I am not a good sharer. I will give you your own, but no I will not share with you--HA!

OK-- I am tagging anyone who wants to play. Let me know in my comments if you post yours so I can be sure to read your 5 things

Thanks to Fabulista for thinking of me!

Have a beautiful day.


Blogger Victoria said...

Ohhhh I am another only child too! I totally understand the sharing issue, especially with food or clothes (the worst!). Although I have no problem with perfume. Perfume is the big exception. :O)

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey only child gals! I totally agree with your point about sharing. I'll go get you a piece of chocolate cake, but there's no chance your taking mine.

And about being bored in the 'burbs... I know the feeling. I lived in Europe too and there's just something about the energy there that always makes you want more. Don't get me wrong -- I live in NY and I love this city, but it's very different.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also an only child! *waves at Victoria* I get exactly what you mean PJ...I am willing to give someone something, but I too am not good at sharing. Except perfume...that, I like to share! :-)

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic list, and thanks for the shout out! Why did I not know we are the same person? I ALSO cannot nap for the same reason; I feel as though I am missing out. I'm similarly obsessed with oral hygiene. Re: Diet Pepsi, I read that consuming caffeine throughout the day can cause it to sort of remain in your system, kind of like a halflife in nuclear science terms. Meaning, if you have a dp around 2pm, there are traces of caffeine remaining in your system until 8pm or something like that. Anyway, it could help with your insomnia. I try not to have caffeine after noon for this reason, it helps a lot. Have a fab day!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Parisjasmal said...

*Hi Victoria-
I agree with you--I love to share perfume, but food and clothes FORGET ABOUT IT! I cannot stand when I am at a restaurant with someone and they want to order something and "share"..EEEEKS!
Lovely day to you lovely lady!

*Hello Beaty Maven-
Woot Woot Only Children Ladies!
Oh I know about the chocolate cake HANDS OFF! I do not even share food with my husband.
Yes--Europe is divine, but I am sure you love NYC--don't we all?
Have a great night and -Thanks so much fo visiting!

*Hello Lovely Green Eyes-
Holla to another Only Child! I am glad the other only children also do not like to share! Makes me feel like less of a clod!

*Hi Fabulista!
You know I read that Jay Leno sleeps on average about 3 hours a night because he feels he is missing out too....interesting. Oh I will try not to have DP after noon--but that will be HARD!
Are you ready for THE OFFICE tonight! We will have to compare funny quotes tomorrow!

Have a great evening and Thanks again for the tag!

Lovely evening to everyone!

4:04 PM  
Blogger Parisjasmal said...

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8:45 PM  
Blogger Parisjasmal said...

Hey Melvis,

Nope I did not mean the husband. I was mainly referring to my Aunt and all my cousins. Whenever I go out to eat with them they always want to share a meal. First off, I eat too much to share a meal and second of all that is a servers worst nightmare for 2 women to share one meal. Third of all--I do not share food!
I just threw in that I do not share food with my husband for good measure.
Yes, Lucerne looks beautiful.
Have a great evening!

8:48 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

I am catching up on blog reading so just saw this. I want to be obsessed with dental hygiene. What a great thing to be obsessed with. Much better than chips and dip, like me. ;-) I may use this tag as my next post--thanks for the idea! Oh, and I should also add that I thought I had responded to your comment from like a year ago on my blog, but I just checked today and I did not! So sorry. What I *thought* I had said was that I'm glad that Uncle Julios has another fan out there. I love their queso dip.

12:00 PM  

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